Let’s see. Where do we start?

FULL DISCLAIMER. I am a Licensed School Psychologist, lifelong learner, husband, dad, friend, ally, climber, and an outdoor enthusiast who decided I would try my hand at writing. Throughout time, I have noticed patterns in some of the information that I share with students, families, and community members that would be helpful for all persons to better understand. With that said the articles that I will be sharing are my own thoughts and beliefs that are supported by research and experience. As a result, it is important to understand that not all professionals and community members will be able to relate or agree with my positions and thoughts on differing topics - THAT IS OKAY. No matter your role, it is my hope that this blog will help provide insight into topics that may help you and the children that you interact with. 

If you are wondering whether these articles may be of application to you, I hope that the topics chosen are varied enough. I believe that the more you know, the better equipped you are to hold meaningful and informed conversations with those around you. 

Welcome to our practice. We are glad you’re here! 


Bullying: It’s not a Joke!