Educational Testing

We are a Columbus, Ohio based practice that specializes in evaluating the needs and implications of preschool through adult learners in Ohio and Florida. Detailed educational testing can provide an overview of the type of learner you or your child is. Diagnostic clarity can help the individual, family, school, and community agencies have a better understanding of the type and degree of services that may be beneficial, as well as inform a comprehensive treatment plan. A comprehensive profile can also help assist the school team in determining whether specially designed instruction as serviced through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or accommodations under Section 504 are warranted. Comprehensive evaluations can help with transitioning from high school to college, as there may be necessary supports and/or accommodations that you or your child needs to be successful. We can help you and your family navigate these processes.

Types of evaluations provided: 

Dyslexia (Reading Disability)
Dysgraphia (Writing Disability)
Dyscalculia (Math Disability) 
Gifted and Talented 
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder 
Intellectual Disability

What can be expected during the evaluation process? 

The initial session will include the caregiver and client (if appropriate). At that time, we will discuss the presenting problem, obtain  a detailed background history, and create an evaluation plan. There is typically no standardized assessment provided during the first session with the client.

Following the initial session, two testing sessions are typically required to ensure a comprehensive profile is obtained. If more sessions are required, this will be communicated to you. All minors must be accompanied by a caregiver; however, the caregiver will not be present in the room during the evaluation. Testing activities can include answering questions, looking at pictures, and completing puzzle-like activities. There is no way to study for these testing activities so simply arrive prepared to try your best. It is very helpful if the person being tested eats beforehand and gets a good night's sleep. We will discuss whether or not to take prescribed medications. 

Upon completion of the evaluation, an overview of the results, implications, and recommendations will be discussed. The client (when appropriate) is encouraged to participate in this meeting because we believe they are the most important member. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have. You will be provided with a written assessment report that can then be shared with other treating providers, school personnel, etc., at your discretion.