College Educational Testing

In the university setting, a college student who has a disability, or suspects that they might have a disability or learning difference, cannot receive accommodations unless there is documentation of their specific need by a qualified professional. We help to thoroughly examine the differences the student faces and what accommodations and supports may be most appropriate, to afford equitable access to their curriculum.

We work with university personnel to ensure that our evaluations provide all of the information that is needed to successfully support the student in their higher education endeavors. Appropriate accommodations can provide a student with the right amount of support that will take them through their college career and help them to successfully earn their degree and demonstrate what they know. I take great pride in ensuring that education is accessible to all students, no matter the learning difference. We also provide evaluations to confirm diagnoses for high-stakes testing, such as the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), so that accommodations may be provided.

Educational evaluations at the university level are tailored to the specific need(s) of the student. An evaluation typically consists of testing cognitive functioning, academic skills and achievement, social/emotional skills, and executive functioning. Background history, medical information, and interviews are also a part of this process to ensure that all areas of the student are considered. After the evaluation, we will meet to review the results and recommendations. At that time, a comprehensive report is provided for you to keep. 

College and Universities Disability Resource Guide

Ohio Colleges & Universities Disability Resource Directory for students who are interested in furthering their education and may require accommodations and supports while at school. The following link provides helpful information from higher education institutions around Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding cities, specifically about accommodations and accessibility.

What do accommodations at college look like?

I think the best way to learn about what accommodations and supports look like at college is to hear from representatives, themselves. Every year, I have the opportunity to serve as a moderator for the “College Seminar for Students with an IEP or 504”, located in Columbus, Ohio. During that workshop, we have representatives from many universities from the surrounding Columbus, Ohio area, as well as throughout the state, answer questions and provide insight into what supports do and do not look like. There is a lot of great information that is shared during this seminar and I highly encourage you to take some time and watch the recording to learn more!